Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kayak Trips and Blistered Pinkies

Ok. So i did end up taking Lyle to Bethel by inflatable kayak for his birthday....
and it sucked.
lol. first off, we left at low tide, and decided to take the slough to make our trip shorter, but because the tide was so low, there were quite a few places where our kayak wouldn't float and so we had to get out and drag it through slimy, footsucking mudd.
and then when we finally did get out of the slough, we found that we were goign against the current and the wind, in order to get the next ten miles to bethel. we crossed from one bank of the river to the next about five times, each trip seeming to be endless.
and so, our trip was one long endeavor, with me screaming infuriatedly that i hate kayaks, and alaska, and nature, and that i'm never going to travel the river unless i've got a motorboat.
we left Oscarville at 3. and arrived in Bethel at 6. it took us three hours just to get there, and we had only an hour to spend with our friends. so i decided that i wasn't going to be in such a hurry to leave, and picked Lyle up from his girlfriends house at about 7:15 instead of 6:30.
we had to go back to the boat harbor and pump our evil inflatable kayak all over. by then the wind had died down, me and lyle were tired of kayaking, the sun had just begun its long descent towards the horizon, and the gnats were swarming like crazy.

i guess its kind of obvious that we weren't necessarily looking forward to our long trip home...

but guess what?
the wind had died completely down by the time we left
and this time we were going with the current
soo, instead of wasting our time struggling against the elements,
lyle and i drifted halfway home,
screaming out lyrics to our favorites songs along the whole way
and soo,
due to the lack of effort that we put into paddling home,
it till took us 3 hours to get back
so we were home at 10:30
with sore arms and stomach, sopping wet legs, and blisters gnawing away at our palms
[i even got a blister on my right pinky]

all in all, lyle and i paddled for six whole hours...
just to spend an hour and i half in bethel..
which doesnt even have a mall.
or a movie theatre.
or a McD's.

i feel like a moron.


Erin said...

Hey! I once kayaked all the way up to Bethel only to grade papers once I got there...long I love thinking of you and Lyle screaming out lyrics and just floating back down. I always think of that when I am in my kayak struggling against the current, that it will only last until I turn around and then it will be easy sailing back home!

Stupor said...

Yeah, you and lyle both have the energy to burst out lyrics from the top of your lungs. i can imagine that. which seems so cool singing lyrics along the way while taking a long trip. Oh by the way taking the slough is longer than taking the island. Taking the island is like far more shorter then the meandering slough, but yeah traveling does take up a lot of time. I mean the world may seem small, but time goes by really quick, with just the blink of an eye. so yeah take care and good luck next time around.


tumaralria said...

Quyana enelavkarlua,
Kenkamken! :)
