Monday, September 15, 2008

attempting the concept of skateboarding

So a few weekends ago i attempted to learn how to skateboard.
it was aaweseom
i went to the skatepark with kara and johnny, and pretty much everyone was there.
Kara had already been learning how to balance on the board, but i was starting fresh, so i had to go around the park a few times just figuring out how to turn the thing.
i was pretty embarrassed to be falling off my board and not being able to control it when i wasn't even doing any tricks, especially since the park was full of people. so it took me a while to get the hang of it. but once i had the whole balance and turning concept down, i was finally able to attempt going up and down the spine on the fun box, or doing a fakie.

and dude. it was Hard.

when you go up the ramp, you're supposed to lean your body out away from the board, almost like you're trying to become parallel with the ground, so that the weight of your body doesn't push the board out from under you. It took me forever to get the hang of this, so almost every time i went up the ramp i would lean the wrong way and the board would shoot out from under me. I landed on my butt quite a few times, but didn't have any major bruises really.
right before kara, johnny and i had to leave, i finally got the hang of doing a fakie. it was aweseom.

the next weekend, [last weekend] Kara and I went back to the park to learn some more board tricks. she told me that since i knew how to do a fakie now, i had to learn how to do a rock to fakie. that's when you go up the ramp, and once the board starts to slow down, you push on the back end with your right foot, and lift up the front end, simultaneously twisting and leaning your body so that you do a complete kick turn and go down the ramp with your board going forward instead of backwards, like it does on just a normal fakie.

again it took me pretty much all day just to do the rock to fakie, and by the time we left i still wasn't all that great at it. and i still wasn't all that great the next day either... but i kind of got the hang of it.

i'll admit that i still suck, but i moved on to the next trick anyway. I think it was called the Rock and Roll, but i'm not even sure. but in order to do the trick, you go all the way up the ramp until the front wheels of your board go higher than the edge at the top, and then rest briefly there, then you go back down the ramp without doing a kickturn. so it's like a fakie, but you're going a lot higher up on the ramp.

i'm still stuck on this step, and seem t have the same problem with staying on the board when i start to go back down the ramp. it's kind of frustrating, but i can't wait until the next time i go skateboarding. i am soo ready to get it right. :)

[[p.s. i fell just about a million times when i was learning the rock to fakie, and ended up with huge bruises on both of my knees and hips, and a super painful but invisible bruise on my tail bone. it was aweseom.]]


Nicole said...

i would never ride a skate bourd ever in my life

Allen said...

thats cool that u know hw to ride a skate board. well when i first got on a my skake, i fell straight on my face.. but luckly i caught my self.. yeah last time i skated at the park was lat month when i was there.. well it was fun.. yeah the first time i went down the big ramp i ate shit... haha yeah it hurt like really bad for a sec. but it took me couple trys to go down the ramp.. i wana do a transfer into the carter pipe.. well later..
