Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome Back to the real World

soo... today i am completely exhausted. which is completely random and unexplainable because i've been trying to make sure that i've gotten enough sleep and went to bed early enough and woken up before noon this whole weekend. so there is no reasonable explanation for my trying my hardest not to fall asleep in class today. lol.

Anyway i had a pretty fun weekend these past few days. From Thursday till sunday i rode my snowmachine in every day, went to the volleyball games, hung out with friends, and basically just had a great time hanging out with guys.

i don't even remember fully what i did on thursday... i know that i went in to see carlos, and then i pretty much just stayed at his place that whole time until i had to get home. friday i went in to bethel and watched the volleyball games. The Warriors have a killer JV team this year.

Saturday my dad and I woke up at like seven in the morning so that we could pick my mom up at the airport. after picking her up about half an hour late, my parents were going to go work on our truck at the boat harbor, and i didn't feel like spending all day in a cramped up car waiting for my parents to let me take them home so that i wouldnt have to stay stuck in one place wondering about whether or not i could go to the store. so i asked if i could go to carloses house until they were done.

lol they said yes, so i called carlos at like nine in the morning to tell him to unlock the door because i was going to his place, and he sounded so lost, the poor guy was still half asleep.

[ring ring]
"Is your door locked?"
"What? i dont know... it shouldnt be."
"ok. im coming over."
"what? why?"
"mom and dad are gonna work on the truck. i dont want to spend all day in the car. im coming over."
"what? uh. ok. whatever."
"haha. ok bye."

i got to his house, went upstairs, opened the door to his bedroom, and was met by complete darkness. the transition from a half lit hallway to a completely dark bedroom was disorienting. i had to take a step back and spent a moment trying to get my bearings back.
carlos mumbled from his bed,
"You can watch T.V. or listen to music. or something."
instead i crashed on the couch with his cat. shoes, jacket and all.

an hour later carlos got up to take a shower and i was still sleeping on his couch, then my parents came to pick me up. I didn't tell carlos that i was leaving or anything, and he later told me that when he went back to his room and i was gone, he thought to himself... "whoa. was she even here?"
i told hannah that story, and she said her reaction would have been so much better.
i still think carlos had one heckuva reaction to that though lol.

anyway my parents came to pick me up and i went to the games
and hung out with mike and a few other people
went to the store with kara
went driving with eddie and i forget who else... i just remember that eddie was driving
and then
i did a lot of stuff this weekend
it was all fun
a lot more active than most of my weekends have been so far
but you know what?
i think thats because i havent been to bethel for the whole two weeks that i've been stuck in oscarville.
maybe i was just ready to consider everything fun.
or maybe everyone else missed me enough to make stuff extra fun :)
lol idk.
ill edit this later
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